A Guide to Walking the Hills of Leicestershire and Rutland

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This guidebook describes the walking to be found around the hills of Leicestershire and Rutland, along with places to see when you are there. In this guidebook, hills are defined as summits with a drop of 30 meteres on all sides. In hill walking parlance, these summits are called TUMPS (Thirty upward Metres Prominence).

There are thirty-one hills in Leicestershire and Rutland that qualify as TUMPS that are all described in this guidebook. They are split into five sections , Charnwood Forest, North Leicestershire, South Leicestershire, East Leicestershire and Rutland (the county top) and seven further hills because of their historical interest or interesting location.

ISBN is: 9780995673533
Size is: 150mm x 210mm
Number of pages is: 68
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